We've known Simon Brown for many years and have travelled with him in various producing countries during his time as head of sourcing for a large importer. For the past few years, he's been based in Peru, where he has settled, made a home, and started a family.
In 2019, Simon purchased Las Etíopes, a seven hectare farm situated in the village of El Porvenir in Jaén, Cajamarca. The farm sits at an altitude of 1,900 masl and reaches 2,050 masl at its peak. In early 2020, the first trees were planted—Ethiopian heirloom varieties, Gesha, Wush Wush, and Sidra.
In 2021, Simon and his partner Merlith Cruz expanded the farm by buying an additional three hectares of land between 1,750 and 1,900 masl. They planted this area with Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Catimor, and a small amount of Pacamara. These local varieties, combined with the high altitudes, organic matter-rich soils, and humid climate, produce coffees with a pronounced acidity and great body.
Las Etíopes specializes in exotic varieties and impeccable processing. In 2022—their first season producing enough coffee to export—a farm blend of their varieties earned 19th place in the Cup of Excellence! They also process cherries purchased from neighbouring farms, known as out-growers.
This dynamic couple have also set up an exporting company called Chacra. In Peru this means a small farm or agricultural field, originating from the Quechua word "chakra" which signifies a small plot of arable land used to produce food for nearby residents.